October 2, 2023
Integrating Concepts – What’s this all about?

Integrate Concepts started out as an idea - connecting different concepts and ideas, looking for similarities, synergies. That morphed into a focus on Leadership Development, Business Model Innovation& Neuro Plasticity.

Integrate Concepts started out as an idea - connecting different concepts and ideas, looking for similarities, synergies. I enjoyed learning about how different concepts relate to each other and how they can be used together to explain and solve problems.

Over the last few decades, I’ve become increasingly fascinated by the impact of Digital Transformation on our everyday lives. Whether it’s democratizing the availability of information, creating new industries, platform ecosystems, evolving business models and more.

Integrating Concepts

That idea morphed into a focus on 3 key concepts – Leadership Development, Business Model Innovation& Neuro Plasticity. The last has become more a mindset then an actual concept.

Over the past few years Integrate Concepts Inc has revolved around Leadership Coaching, exploring key trends in Digital Transformation & Business Model Innovation.

I’m interested in helping leaders become more effective – more impactful. I’m also very interested in the evolution of Digital Transformation & Business Models, as a means of creating& capturing Business Value, for individuals and organizations alike. I try to find synergies between these concepts.

As a Leadership Coach, I focus on Coaching for Performance – using Exec Coaching principles. I have learnt that meaningful Leadership Development often involves a variety of activities –Teaching, Consulting as well as Coaching.

- How is Digital Transformation, Consumerization of I.T, Generative Artificial Intelligence – evolving Business Models & Creating Value for Organizations & Consumers alike?

- How can individuals become more Effective Leaders & drive tangible Business Impact in an increasingly results-oriented world?

- Are there useful insights for your Leadership Journey, from Integrating these concepts?

Integrate Concepts exists to explore the complex relationships & synergies between concepts like Business Model Innovation, Leadership & Business Transformation.

Rotimi Olumide

Thought leader, speaker, multifaceted business leader with a successful track record that combines consumer & product marketing, strategic business planning, creative design and product management experience.

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