“First of all, make sure you’re clear about who you are and what you stand for and what excites you, what are your passions?” And really, really spend some time thinking about that, doing a personal inventory”
I did not know anything about Rosalind Brewer before watching her interview with HBR’s Adi Ignatius. I would encourage every leader or aspiring leader, to watch the interview or read the transcript - here.
I picked up so many insights from the discussion which reinforced my beliefs about key qualities of a Great Leader. Below are a few takeaways from an Interview with a truly inspiring Leader.
Creating teams which reflect a diversity of viewpoints that trace varied experiences and backgrounds?
“One of the things that I think about when I’m thinking about diversity is diversity of thought.” Roz Brewer
When asked about creating diverse teams, Roz talked about Mindset – how people think about diverse cultures and different environments. I thought her comments about building agile teams and putting them against the biggest problems to solve, was particularly insightful.
“You can have the best strategy in the world. But if your team operates in a silo-driven environment, you’re not going to get the results that you expect.” Roz Brewer
The concept of putting cross functional teams together to solve complex problems is not a new one – however, the focus on stimulating diversity of thought is key. How do we break away from Group Think and encourage individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and talents to bring those diverse perspectives to bear? I am learning that Agile Teams can bring different cultures together and stimulate diversity of thought around the problem to solve.
Roz on women trying to advance at work in a male dominated world.
“First of all, make sure you’re clear about who you are and what you stand for and what excites you, what are your passions?” And really, really spend some time thinking about that, doing a personal inventory”
Sound advice indeed. Are you taking the time to do a personal self-evaluation on what you are passionate about and stick to it?
The story Roz tells about taking sideways positions she took and being willing to take a step down to go much further, is extremely powerful. How many of us have taken lateral positions in an effort to find new opportunities or move up? In her case, she had the confidence and self-belief to take a chance and pursue her passions. We need to be very clear who we are, what we stand for and what we are passionate about.
This advice on career advancement is useful for anyone trying advance your career in an environment where you are a visible minority.
Dealing with Adversity at Work
My Passion – My Why is to help aspiring Leaders be even more impactful, productive – to help them exceed their goals and be World Changers. In my experience coaching leaders, we often talk about Critical self-talk, Saboteurs, and the Imposter Syndrome. We also talk about how to respond to Criticism, especially from one’s manager.
Turning Point: Roz was asked about a turning point moment in her career which made her the Leader she is today. I would encourage you all to listen to her response - @ 34:10 of the interview.
Criticism will come from others – for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is justified, and we all need to take the time to reflect on it. Sometimes it is followed by Judgement – and how we respond to other people’s assessment of our potential or abilities, is especially important. Listen to how Roz responded to being tested by her manager.
The Criticism will come, the Judgement is inevitable – how we respond in the face of that adversity, is what matters.
Hope you will all take a few minutes to read the article or watch the video.
Video: Walgreens CEO Roz Brewer to Leaders: Put Your Phones Away and Listen to Employees - YouTube
Article: Walgreens CEO Roz Brewer to Leaders: Put Your Phones Away and Listen to Employees (hbr.org)